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Friday, 10 November 2017

CHQ NEWS:- Meeting with Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR) on 06.11.2017: JF leaders met DIR(HR) and thanked her for the initiative taken for approving the Uniform Time Bound Promotion Policy (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy) in the MC held on 02.11.2017 by amending EPP 2007 and BSNLMS RRs. Since it is a major policy change, BSNL Board approval will be taken, DIR(HR) informed. Fine tuning of the proposal can be done before going to the Board to make it more oriented towards company as well as employees. Initiative will be taken to convene the Board meeting at the earliest to approve the proposal. JF pleaded that this is only an amendment to the EPP/ existing RRs which is already approved by the Board and basic features of EPP and RRs like residency period, pay fixation etc not changed to have more financial implications on the company or DoT. Considering the huge unrest among the Executives due to delay in promotions, we requested to implement the policy at the earliest and issue promotion orders immediately. DIR(HR) assured to examine the matter.
On 3rd PRC, for the first time, DIR(HR) hinted that it is becoming a difficult issue. The issue of pension contribution on actual basic pay is still in DoT and some officers are not favour of that. DoT Finance is not agreeing for refund of about Rs 2000 Crores paid in excess so far from 2007 onwards but DoT Finance has taken a neutral stand for the future contribution which is helpful for BSNL. BSNL has shown this refund amount of Rs 2000 Cr as source of income for meeting the additional expenditure for 3rd PRC, which may not be refunded now.

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