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Site Maintained By :: Com. R.SRINIVASAN , SDE ( A/T) / KMB ,District Secretary, Mobile : 9486102191 / SNEA KMB., Web Site launched dt., 20-12-2011

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New year greetings 2014

SNEA {I} KMB.,  .,  extends hearty Wishes to one and all for   Happy, Peaceful   & Prosperous 
*NEW YEAR 2014*


Replacement of existing non standard pay scales by standard pay scales of E2, E3, etc. for JTO/JAOs, SDE/AOs etc. Further delay unwarranted since main hurdle i.e pension contribution on actual basic instead of maximum is almost addressed.
JTO/JAOs recruited after 01.01.2007 face a huge difference in pay to the tune of Rs 3,800/- in basic pay itself compared to their counterparts recruited prior to 01.01.2007. They are the worst sufferers because of sheer apathy of the management.
Pay scales of 80% of the Executives are not decided even after 7 years --- we are witnessing a situation where nearly 40,000 Executives of the Company virtually constituting its backbone have been demoted by downgrading their pay scales from E1A and E2A and placing them in the provisional pay scales of E1 and E2.
All other PSUs like BHEL, NTPC and ONGC, having hade intermediary pay scales like BSNL, have since switched over to the next higher standard pay scales w.e.f 01.01.2007.
With the main hurdle for extending standard pay scales of E2 and E3, ie pension contribution on actual basic getting overcome, there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for the management to hold back extending of standard pay scales ---- the pay hike is minimal and that too limited to the Executives recruited after 01.01.2007. The expected financial implications are to the tune of about 40 crores annually.