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Monday, 4 November 2013

SNEA [I] CWC at PATNA [25th & 26th OCT 2013] Details

The CWC meeting held at Patna, Bihar on 25th and 26th October, 2013 was attended by all the Circles except NE II.


The CWC discussed the following issues in detail and took following important decisions after extensive deliberations.

a)   Standard Pay scales of E2, E3, E4 etc for JTO/JAO, SDE/AO and equivalent cadres.

b) Promotions in different wings from JTO/JAO to SDE/AO, Regular promotion from SDE/Adhoc DE to DE and Adhoc promotion from STS to JAG.

c) Time Bound functional promotion or CPSU cadre hierarchy.

d) Amendment of BSNLMS RRs to fill up 75% posts of STS on regular basis and earmark the rest for MTs ending Adhocism.

e) ITS issue.

f) 30% superannuation benefit to BSNL recruited employees,

g) EPF centralization and possibility of maximum pension option,

h) Membership verification among Executives’ Associations,

i) Amendment to BSNLMS RR for promotion from SDE(C/E) etc to EE(C/E) etc.

j) Seniority issues.

k) Court cases related to seniority.

l)  Holding of Circle / SSA Conferences,

m) First time bound promotion uniformly in 4 years for different cadres.

n) Implementation of notional pay for JE/AE(C/E/) etc w.e.f 01.10.2000, equivalent to JAO cadre.

o) Transfer policy etc.