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Site Maintained By :: Com. R.SRINIVASAN , SDE ( A/T) / KMB ,District Secretary, Mobile : 9486102191 / SNEA KMB., Web Site launched dt., 20-12-2011

Saturday, 21 January 2012

21/01/2012_22:25 Hrs ::
Dear Comrades!
Gen.Secys.of SNEA( I ),AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA will address at INFOSYS HALL, ( Near to Kodambakkam railway station ) CHENNAI at 1700 Hrs. on 28 / 01 / 2012.
Part of preparatory work by UF of Executive Assn. on forthcoming All India agitational Program.
b) THREE DAYS MASS DHARNA ON 15th, 16th & 17th February 2012.

                                                                                                       ALL ARE WELCOME... - CS/TN.
21/01/2012_21:50Hrs ::
Approval of the CGMT conveyed for grant of 5 advance increments on the minimum of revised pay scale of Rs.16400 - Rs.40500 to directly recruited JTOs of Batch 2007 and 2008....
<< CGMT/CNI Order Copy >>
21/01/2012_17:00Hrs ::
After a  prolonged  period  an opinion leaders meet was organized by the KMB CRDA SSA administration  on  21/01/2012  at the GM/BSNL/KMB Chamber &  it was presided over GMT / BSNL / KMB.
Sub: Shifting of GM office / KMB  from the existing Rental Building.
GMT/KMB stated that by the way of shifting of GM office an amount of Rs 2,00,000/- may be saved per month. And he stated  that NO DRAFT PROPOSAL is available with Administration at Present.
Com.G.Kabilan  DS / KMB  &  Com.E.Rajasekaran DVP/KMB participated with the meeting. All service association/union of KMB  SSA had participated. We on behalf of SNEA / KMB expressed our views regarding  shifting of GM office. We   expressed strongly to utilize all IQs in KMB for conversion as part of GM office. Finally  the following decisions were arrived.
1.   Vertical Expansion of MBM Building
2.   Acquiring  first floor of STR building after making suitable rearrangements to the existing  officers / office
3.   A committee comprising of  representatives from all service association / unions  to study the GM office shifting work
4.   Usable furniture  available at GM/KMB office may  be  diverted to the needy  places
5.   Disposal  of  unserviceable  furniture /  very old files from GM/KMB office before shifting
      Draft  proposal  of administration will be  given  to  the  committee &  the  committee is expected to study  prepare a  report  & submit to the  administration  within 10 days.

21/01/2012_09:15 Hrs ::
United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations  served notice Shri. R.K. Upadhyay, CMD BSNL for Mass Dharna on 15,16 & 17-02-12 and “INDEFINITE WORK ACCORDING TO RULE and NON  COOPERATION”  w.e.f 15-02-12 demanding:
Ö        No recruitment to Senior GM / Joint GM
Ö        Extend standard pay scales of E2, E3, etc
<< Glimpses of Dharna at CO/ND >>