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Site Maintained By :: Com. R.SRINIVASAN , SDE ( A/T) / KMB ,District Secretary, Mobile : 9486102191 / SNEA KMB., Web Site launched dt., 20-12-2011

Saturday, 25 October 2014


Com.K,Sebastin, GS / CHQ met CMD / BSNL today evening & requested for Modification in the cadre of DE (Regular). GS
 further requested to consider Maximum No.of cases as detailed  below.
1.Cases as per seniority.
2.Cases crossed 57 years as on 20-08-14.
3.Medical cases.
Maximum cases could be considered as Sufficient Vacancies are 
available in TN Circle & CH TD.

CMD assured that taking this in to account,
 orders will be issued next week.

- CS / TN.