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Site Maintained By :: Com. R.SRINIVASAN , SDE ( A/T) / KMB ,District Secretary, Mobile : 9486102191 / SNEA KMB., Web Site launched dt., 20-12-2011

Friday, 24 October 2014


Com Y. B. Thippesh, Ex GS/AIGETOA, 
Com Santhosh Gowda, Ex AGS/AIGETOA 
and Ex CS/AIGETOA, Punjab Circle,
 Com R. C. Vasanth Kumar,
 Ex CS/AIGETOA, KTK Circle, Com Rajkumar 
 and all the followers joined SNEA at Banglore 
on 22.10.2014 in presence of
 our CHQ President Com G. L. Jogi, 
veteran leader Com W. Seshagiri Rao, 
AGS Com Pandurang Nayak, 
CS / KTK Circle  Com S B Nagavi and others. CHQ once again welcome them into this mighty organization.