Important decisions of CWC Jaipur held on 26th & 27th May, 2014.
1. The CWC resolved to focus fully on the revival of BSNL in the next two years keeping in mind the next pay revision for the BSNL Executives due from 01.01.2017.
The Management and all the employees should work in tandem to achieve this goal. Efforts should be made to ensure that “pension revision” also becomes one of the terms of reference of the next PRC.
2. The shortage of materials like OF cable, 5 pair cable, EPBTs, Modems and UG cable in Circles and MPLS ports are severely affecting the development and maintenance of the network. BSNLCO should ensure the availability of all essential materials in the field units for operation and maintenance activities.
3. The standard pay scales of E2, E3, -----, E7 should be implemented from 01.01.2007 without further delay. In case pension contribution issue is not getting resolved in a reasonable time, the possibility of extending relief to the JTO/JAOs recruited after 01.01.2007 especially the 2007 and 2008 batch JTOs may be explored.
4. The CWC demanded full 30% superannuation benefit to BSNL Recruited employees as it is a social security measure. The Management should consider the matter sympathetically. CWC decided that Association shall have further discussions with the Management to settle the issue at the earliest.
5.The CWC decided to explore the possibility of extending “Full Pension” option to the Executives and employees recruited directly by BSNL as a onetime measure as EPF pension with “Full Pension” option is equivalent to Govt pension. BSNL Corporate office should take up the matter with EPF authorities at appropriate level. Further the CWC demands centralized EPF payment.
6. The CWC decided to extend total solidarity and support to the agitating comrades of SNEA(I), Kerala Circle and stand with them wholeheartedly and unitedly for seeking settlement of their issues with the CGMT who works with a pre-determined mindset to destabilize the exemplary work culture existing in the Circle which has taken it to the heights of productivity and profitability.
7. Membership verification among Executives’ Association needs to be expedited. Meanwhile the issues raised by the Association are to be addressed by the Management to have meaningful membership verification. The subscription deduction through check off system to be demanded in case the membership verification is getting delayed further.
8. CWC outrightly rejected the draft proposal on CPSU cadre hierarchy as it is again linked with the availability of posts and seniority. Further CWC felt that by proposing very stringent attendant conditions, the Management is trying to take away even the minimum promotional avenues, today the Executives are having in BSNL. Time Bound Functional Promotion or CPSU cadre hierarchy is to be pursued in the Joint Committee under the banner of United Forum.
9. For conducting the next All India Conference, 6 Circles namely Andhra Pradesh, Delhi (BSNLCO&NTR), Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and UP(West) Circles came forward. The CWC directed the concerned Circles to submit the required data by 15th July, 2014 and final decision on the AIC venue will be taken by a Committee comprising of Com GS, Com CHQ Treasurer, Com Arvind Dahiya/AGS(HQ) and Com H Muthu/AGS.
10. CHQ Quota/Building Fund/Legal Fund payment: All defaulting Circles should clear the pending Building fund and Legal fund at the earliest. The CWC discussed the pending CHQ Quota/Building Fund/Legal Fund payment by Gujarat Circle. Circle Secretary, Gujarat Circle assured the CWC that GUJ Circle will pay maximum Building Fund, Legal Fund and all the pending CHQ quota by the first week of July, 2014.
11. Circle Conferences of Punjab, Jharkhand and NE II Circles are to be held within 3 months.
12. The constitution amendment committee submitted its report and the CWC after detailed deliberations approved the proposals. It will be placed before the next AIC for approval.
13. The CWC resolved that the pay anomalies like a) fixation of pay on officiating promotion and pay protection, b) Antedating of increment or implementation of uniform increment date and c) Senior drawing less pay than the Juniors etc are to be settled by BSNL.
14. First TBP after 4 years w.e.f 01.10.2000 to be pursued separately.
15. Many Circles reported very poor quality of Type II modem supplied by M/s Terracom. The range is hardly 2 to 4 meters in many modems supplied. It shall be taken up with BSNLCO.
16. As per the existing rules, immunity is not applicable for promotions. Accordingly for future promotions, immunity will not be extended. Genuine medical cases like cancer, mentally retarded cases, physically handicapped cases etc for the self and family members only should be taken up for retention in the Circle. Association should ensure that long standing Executives in the Circles should not be posted to the non recruiting Circles and nearby Circles to avoid long standing transfers to tenure circles.
17. CWC demands complete uniformity in the BSNLMS RR for promotion to EE cadre in Civil/Electrical/Arch wings like Telecom /Finance wing.
18. CWC decided to further take up the generalization of “notional date of promotion” for the Executives promoted in 2004 in LDCE quota once Hon Supreme Court gives a judgment in this regard.
19. The CWC demands generalization of FR 22(1)(a)(1) fixation benefit to all the Officiating JTOs and Officiating JTOs regularised upto 2007.
20. FR 22(1)(a)(1) fixation benefits and DNI option for the promotions from JTO to SDE made in May, 2000 shall be taken up with BSNL, DoT and DPE.
21. CWC decided to demand “Notional date of promotion” for the JTOs who could not join in March, 2011 promotion order due to stay on promotion orders.
22. CWC decided to repair and occupy the building at Dehradun, Uttarakhand. CHQ decided to provide loan to UKD Circle for the same.
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